CyTwist, new Israeli cyber company in Howard County, on its Preemptive Cyber Attack Management Platform


CyTwist is an early-stage Israeli cyber security company headquartered in Ramat Gan. In 2022, Jason Kaplan of Maryland became CyTwist’s CEO. CyTwist is part of the Maryland Innovation Center in Howard County, an initiative of the Howard County Economic Development Authority.

CyTwist’s founders were senior officers in the Israeli Security Agency focused on counter-terrorism. In this role, the absolute requirement was to identify possible threats as early as possible in the “attack chain” to stop terrorists from executing their malicious intent. CyTwist is now bringing the same methods to cyber security via its Preemptive Cyber Attack Management (PCAM) platform.

The problem CyTwist addresses and solves is today’s cyber-attack detection tools do not identify attacks accurately, early or efficiently. The model has been to collect more and more data, buy many “best of breed” tools to solve narrow detection problems, and then use human analysts for advanced detection. This has led to companies using dozens of tools, chasing large numbers of false positive, incurring massive storage costs, burning out staff and still being relatively ineffective and inefficient at stopping attacks.

CyTwist’s platform solves these problems. Their key benefit is time: early attack detection means time to respond before damage, prioritization of threat alerts means time back for teams to focus on high value work, and delivering full attack details up front means faster response to attacks.

CyTwist is early in its life cycle, and proving every day that they deliver better protection with lower cost and greater efficiency.

“Maryland will be a great place for CyTwist to grow with all the talent and the strong cyber security ecosystem”, said Jason Kaplan, CEO, CyTwist.